Better than expected

I'd never done a Zelda clone. And since this jam was all about retro games, I figured it was the perfect opportunity. It might make the game seem a little uninspired, but it freed me up to focus on learning, and I did way more than I expected I could.

Unfortunately, I could have done more. As it does, life threw me a curveball when my dog had to go to the emergency vet. It's set me back a lot, and not only in the game jam side of things. As such, things I'd meant to implement, like a start screen and a pause menu (I was going to do kind of a Mega Man thing for switching spells) had to be set aside. I almost didn't even implement any kind of death state.

Also bats. All the enemies are bats. The boss is a bigger bat that breathes fire.

I do plan on continuing this one, largely because I've learned so much from it. My scripting has gotten better from this project and organizing things with inheriting from classes has finally really clicked. I never saw the point of a "Damageable" class before I had to create the heart upgrade under the Enemy class and remove its hitbox... By and large, I know I can do things even better going forward.

I originally was working on this one as a way to prototype a game idea I'd had for a while, but this one kind of grew into its own thing and I'm happy with the results.

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Jul 10, 2023

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